Learning Hub for Kids & Teenagers
If you're looking for information on animal species environmental issues, you've come to the right place! Use the learning hub to search for factsheets, home learning packs, activities, videos and more!

We've produced a number of factsheets on a range of topics from Animal Facts to Environmental facts as part of our commitment to encouraging young people's understanding of the environment and of the need for sustainability.
Young People's Voices
Read articles written by young people about the environmental issues that matter to them. Our contributors are our Young Trustees and other young people who have something important to say about our world and its future.
Find lots of ides for things you can do to help the planet here!
Learning Packs
Our learning packs contain lots of great ideas for learning about our world with your family. Packed with experiments, games, ideas for projects, art and craft ideas and a way to recycle a loo roll in every pack!
Check out our how-to guides, along with issues of our newsletters.
Help our friendly polar bear jump from iceberg to iceberg on his quest to reach dry land.
Listen to interviews with our Young Trustees, Trustees and Presidents Cel Spellman and Naomi Wilkinson.
Our Supporters