Educational Empowerment:

Resources for Teachers to Support Young People's Learning

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Other Useful Downloads

Guides for young people for having a green Christmas and Halloween, writing to their local MP, green fundraising ideas and lots of old issues of our publications from when Better Planet Education was YPTE...

Tools for Educators

We have a range of programmes and services that are specifically designed to help teachers.

Book a School Talk

Our free, live and interactive online talks via Zoom, Teams or or Google Meetings are available to schools anywhere in the UK. In-person talks are available to schools located close to Better Planet Education's headquarters in Yeovil, Somerset.

School Schemes

Find out more about Better Planet Schools, our year-round online environmental education platform for UK primary schools, and other schemes for schools.

Our initiatives

Find out about Young People's Voices, our Young Trustees programme and more - all designed to engage and involve young people with taking care of our world.

Learning Hub

The Learning Hub is a quick and easy way to access the resources you need on the topics you're looking for.

You can use the 'Search' function to find items by topic or by type. It's easy to use for both teachers and young people.

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Learning Packs

Learning Hub for
Kids & Teenagers

Young People’s
Voices Initiative


Young Trustee

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