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BMW Education Resources and Information
Resources for teachers - animations, games and more for children aged 7-16 on topics such as clean energy.
European Commission
publications for children on environmental issues produced by the European Commission.
Fatbirder is a web resource about birds, birding & birdwatching for birders.
Flying Tiger Productions
makers of many of YPTE's online videos.
Get Kids Outside
Great website with loads of advice on getting young people to enjoy being active in the outdoors, playing games and enjoying the natural world.
Green Corridor
We operate primarily within London using innovative environmental initiatives as the catalyst to address issues affecting our disadvantaged youth and marginalised communities.
Green Finder
GreenFinder - the green directory showcasing the best eco friendly products online & at green events throughout the U.K.
Learning through landscapes
For anyone who shares our passion for creating stimulating outdoor learning and play experiences for children and young people.
Magdalen Farm
For school trips and residential stays, environmental education, care farming, family events and much, much more.
Marine Conservation Society
Fighting for a cleaner, better protected, healthier ocean: one we can all enjoy.
National Association for Environmental Education
Promoting environmental education in the UK for 50 years, supporting all those involved in its delivery, so that together we can understand and act on the need to live more sustainably in order to protect the future of our planet.
Nature Watch: Flight of the Cranes
Some great information on cranes (the flying kind), published by the European Commission.
Oceanic Preservation Society
Oceanic Preservation Society (OPS) is a non-profit organization that creates film, photography and media, inspiring people to save the oceans.
Planetary International
A fantastic site aiming to change the global narrative for good.
Planete Energies
A site about energy and the environment.
Fun recycled products made from computers, yoghurt pots and more.
Excellent free teacher resources web guide.
Sustainability and Environmental Education (SE-Ed)
Working to change mindsets, change practice and change systems in order to learn to live sustainably.
TES Primary Resources
Free cross-curricular primary resources, lesson plans, classroom activities and whiteboard resources covering environmental and sustainable issues.
The Conservation Volunteers
Connecting people and green spaces to deliver lasting outcomes for both.
The Kepplewray Project
The Kepplewray Centre is a Christian based inclusive residential outdoor centre located in the south of the Lake District National Park offering day visits, overnight residential visits and activity packages to schools, youth groups and other organisations.
The Regenerators
BBC Bitesize has launched The Regenerators, an ambitious new initiative that will educate and inspire children, young people and families to take simple steps to build a greener future.
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