Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Species: Acinonyx jubatus
IUCN Red List Status: Vulnerable
Distribution/Habitat: Cheetahs are found in grassland and semi-desert regions of eastern, central, and southwestern
Africa with small, isolated
numbers in southwest Asia. In the past they were widespread in Asia and the Middle East.
Life-span: About 12 years (17 in captivity).
Diet: small antelopes, hares, birds.
Description: Resembles a lightweight & streamlined leopard, with a long, thin body, long legs, powerful shoulder muscles and a small head. There are distinctive black 'tear-mark' stripes running down each side of the face from eye to mouth.
Size: Head and body length measure around 112 - 135 cm, plus a tail measuring about 66 - 84 cm; male is a little larger than the female.