Order: Psittaciformes
Family: sittacidae
Species: 19 known species
IUCN Status: Least Concern
Population Trend: decreasing
Distribution: throughout much of Central and South America, from Panama to northern tip of Argentina.
Habitat: forests, especially those that grow in swampy ground or along rivers; more open country when searching for food.
Description: rich blue on the crown, nape, back, wings and upperside of tail: golden yellow on the underside of the tail. Large black patch on throat, black bill. White, bare skin on sides of face with wavy lines of small, black feathers.
Size: length of body to tail tip, 85cm. Tail, 50cm. The largest species of macaw is the hyacinth which is 1 metre long from head to tail tip. The red-shouldered macaw is the smallest, measuring 30cm.
Life-span: up to 50 years in captivity
Food: nuts, fruit, seeds, berries. Macaws are members of the parrot family which has 340 species. There are 16 species of macaw at the moment but some of these are close to extinction.
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