Earth Summit 2002 - Summit Agreements

The summit also aimed to make agreements for the following issues:

  • To cut by half by 2015 the proportion of people living on less than $1 a day.
  • To cut by half by 2015 the number of people suffering from hunger.
  • To cut by half by 2015 the 1.1 billion people without access to safe drinking water.
  • To cut by a significant amount the 2.4 billion people who live without inadequate sanitation, and improve sanitation in institutions, such as schools; and promote safe hygiene.
  • To launch an action programme to reduce the number of people who lack access to modern energy.
  • To improve the living standards for at least 100 million people who live in slums, by 2020.
  • To adopt and implement policies and measures that will promote sustainable production and consumption, using the "polluter-pays" principle.
  • To increase corporate, environmental and social responsibility and accountability.
  • Establish programmes for energy efficiency in poor countries.
  • Promote waste prevention and reduction by encouraging production of reusable goods and biodegradable products.
  • Implement programmes against deforestation, erosion, land degradation, loss of biodiversity and disruption of water flows.
  • Promote the development of sustainable tourism.
  • Put particular emphasis on development in Africa.
  • Develop programmes to reduce by two-thirds by 2015 the mortality rates for children under the age of five.

In 2012 several Heads of State and Government met in Brazil to 'renew our commitment to sustainable
development and to ensuring the promotion of an economically, socially and environmentally 
sustainable future for our planet and for present and future generations.'

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