The Siberian Tiger's favourite foods include elk, deer, wild boar, lynx and bear; wild boar makes up more than half of its diet. They will also eat fish, rabbits and small rodents when larger prey are scarce.
An adult needs to eat around 9 kg of food a day to survive within the cold climate. They can, however, eat up to 50kg of meat in just one meal, that’s around 400 burgers!! Their territories can be as great as 1,000 square kilometres; they need to cover such vast areas whilst hunting in order to find their prey.
Tigers can run very fast reaching speeds of up to 50 mph, however, they can only maintain this speed over short distances. In fact only one out of ten of their hunts will actually be successful. They hunt mainly at night time; their excellent night vision and highly developed senses of hearing and smell allow this. Their night vision is six times better than that of human’s.
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