By the end of the 1980s conservationists thought the rhino was doomed to extinction. However, after 10 years of hard work, fighting the poachers and the trade in horn, some of the world's rhino populations are actually increasing!
In Africa, the game wardens are now more numerous and better equipped - some sanctuaries have actually been surrounded by electric fences. The most successful measures have been to persuade the Eastern countries to stop using rhino horn and substitute it with plastic or buffalo horn. Most of the countries concerned have made, and enforced, laws banning the import of rhino horn. Hopefully the remaining few will soon follow suit.
The fight will have to be continued for several years to come if we wish to prevent our remaining wild rhinos from disappearing for ever!
Approximate numbers of rhinos -
While there's no exact number, experts believe that only 27,000 to 30,000 rhinos are still alive today. “Two species are African: the black rhino, with 5,500 animals left, and the white rhino, with [around] 18,000 animals left,” says Emma Pereira, Communications Manager at Save the Rhino International.
Find out more details about each of the five rhino species. Describe their differences in size, shape, habitat and way of life.
For more information on how to help save the rhino visit Save the Rhino International.
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