Order: Artiodactyla
Family: Cervidae
Species: Cervus elaphus
Distribution: in Britain it is mainly present in Scotland and the Scottish Islands, the Lake District, Exmoor, Quantock Hills, New Forest, & Thetford Forest.
Habitat: grassland, forest, mountains & moorland; most numerous on moorland & upland grassland in the Scottish Highlands.
Description: bright red-brown summer coat, longer, thicker & browner in winter. Buff-coloured rump. Male (stag) has antlers.
Size: height at withers up to 122cm. Length from 175cm to 285cm. Female (hind) is slightly smaller than stag: Weight :- 100 - 120 kg.
Life-span: stag about 10 years, hind 12 years.
Food: mainly grasses, heather, leaves and twigs.
The red deer is Britain's largest land mammal. Although native to Britain, it is also found in southern Scandinavia, Turkey and as far as China and Mongolia. It has been introduced to Argentina, Australia and New Zealand.
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