1. Make a nature reserve: Most of us have a garden of some kind, which, with a little thought, can be made into a suitable, much-needed habitat for some of our wildlife. Most animals and plants found in the garden will be common species, although a pond may attract great crested newts and a specially made box offers a roost for our rare bats. It has to be remembered that the common wildlife of today could easily become the rarities of tomorrow.
Create as many different habitats as you can. A hedge planted with native shrubs will give shelter and food for all sorts of animals; nectar-rich flowers will provide food for butterflies and other insects; logs, stones and dead leaves provide homes for a range of minibeasts. Birds will appreciate a well-stocked table of food during the winter and nest boxes in the spring. You may like to keep a seasonal diary, making note of the wildlife using your garden.
2. Learn as much as you can about British animals, plants and their habitats. An excellent way of doing this is to join a local wildlife group such as Watch, the junior branch of The National Wildlife Trust; as well as adding to your general knowledge you may be able to get involved with some practical conservation work in the countryside.
3. Try to find out if there are any endangered animals or plants living in your country or county. If so, what is being done to help them survive?
4. Imagine you are an animal or plant belonging to an endangered species. Describe your habitat and what things are threatening your existence. Is there anything being done to help you?
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