The tawny owl is quite a common bird over most of its range and it is reckoned that there are 50 - 100,000 pairs in Britain. Back in the 1950s and 1960s, as with many animals and birds, it suffered as a result of toxic pesticides such as DDT; however, since the banning of these dangerous chemicals, numbers have recovered to a certain extent. Modern farming methods have caused a decline in the number of hollow trees available for nesting sites; the owls may be helped by the provision of nest boxes in woodland, parks and large gardens.
Young owls will often leave their box, or natural nest hollow, before they can fly properly and hide on nearby branches. If you ever find a baby owl on the ground, the best thing to do is move it to a safe spot on a nearby branch where it will be safe from predators such as cats, dogs and foxes. Its parents will be able to find it easily and will bring food at nightfall.
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