Order: Squamata
Family: Elapidae
Species: Ophiophagus hannah
IUCN Status: Vulnerable
Population Trend: decreasing
Distribution: Mainland India, southern China, south-east Asia.
Habitat: Dense highland forests, up to 2000m above sea level, usually near water.
Size: Length: average 4m. Record 5.58m.
Life-span: About 20 years.
Food: Snakes and lizards.
Sexual maturity: 5-6 years.
Breeding season: Mates in January. Eggs: 20-50.
Incubation: 60-70 days.
The king cobra kills and eats other species of poisonous snake. It is the longest of all the venomous snakes, and its bite can kill a man in 15 minutes, yet it prefers to avoid confrontation.
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