Order: Chiroptera
Family: Vespertilionidae
Species: Pipistrellus pipistrellus
IUCN Red List Status: Least concern, though numbers are declining in UK
Size: Length : 3-5cm (head and body)
Wingspan: 19-25cm
Weight: 3-9g
Life-span: Average life is 4-5 years. Maximum life-span recorded is 11 years.
Distribution: British Isles and continental Europe (except the far north), south west Asia, north-eastwards to Korea and Japan and east to Kashmir, and also Morocco.
Food: A wide variety of small, flying insects.
Habitat: A wide range of habitats, including mature woodlands, wetlands, grasslands, farms, parks and gardens. Prefers open grassy areas surrounded by trees or bushes. Often seen flying low over water.
Description: A tiny body, short legs, broad flat head; short, broad ears, fairly narrow wings and a short tail. Adults vary in colour from place to place, some colonies are mainly orange-brown and others mainly pale grey-brown. Ears and muzzle are dark.
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