Ellena is passionate about writing and marine conservation, having graduated from Aberystwyth University with a degree in English Literature and Creative writing. She enjoyed working alongside her studies in a local café and Arkbound Foundation, a charity book publisher. In 2022 she spent two weeks volunteering with the Firth of Forth Lobster Hatchery and relished the chance to tackle overfishing with her own hands. This included writing a children's book from the perspective of a lobster, helping around the hatchery and creating content for the Fringe by the Sea. Ellena is also a member of the Marine Conservation Society’s Youth Ocean Network. Now working at English Heritage, she is excited to share her creativity and knowledge. 

In her graduate year, Ellena led a project to reduce food waste in Aberystwyth with funding from SOS-UK and the British Academy. The project connected local stakeholders to reduce surplus food with events, content creation and system change. Ellena believes strongly that storytelling is the key to unlocking empathy and action around climate change.

She is excited to explore climate change communication as a Young Trustee and hopes to empower young people so that they feel equipped for the future.

Ellena Jenks

Young Trustees

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