You will need:
Half metre quadrat
Hand lens or magnifying glass
Notebook and pencil
Reference Books
Choose two different places to study. You may wish to compare two different places i.e. the shady side and the sunny side of a hedge.
When you have reached the place you wish to study, drop the quadrat behind you on to the ground. Think about why you do this.
Make a table to show your findings (example shown below). Count the different plants and minibeasts that you find within your quadrat and write your results in the table. You may have to look in your reference books to find out the names of some of the things that you find. For minibeasts you cannot recognise use a pooter to catch them. Identify them using a book and then let them go.
When you have finished your first quadrat count, drop your quadrat again in your second area.
Compare your two results with each other and with those of your friends. Can you notice and explain any difference in the plant and animal life in the different places?
This is an example of a chart you can draw up to write down your findings:

Draw what you see in your Quadrat:
If you have time you could try drawing a map of the plants that you find in your quadrat. Try and make it as accurate as possible. It would help if you use squared paper or draw some squares before you start.