Image: Palm Oil by oneVillage Initiative
Information sourced from:
Greenpalm.org, What Is Palm Oil Used For? (Online), Available From: https://greenpalm.org/about-palm-oil/what-is-palm-oil/what-is-palm-oil-used-for [Accessed on 11/1/21]
BBC Newsround, 2018, What is palm oil and why is it thought to be bad? (Online), Available from: https://www.bbc.co.uk/newsround/39492207 [Accessed on 11/1/21]
Ensia, 2014, How Did Palm Oil Become Such A Problem and What Can We Do About It? by Michael Kodas, (Online), Available from: https://ensia.com/features/how-did-palm-oil-become-such-a-problem-and-what-can-we-do-about-it/ [Accessed on 11/1/21]
The Guardian, February 2019, How The World Got Hooked on Palm Oil, by Paul Tullis, (Online), Available from: https://www.theguardian.com/news/2019/feb/19/palm-oil-ingredient-biscuits-shampoo-environmental [Accessed on 11/1/21]
Ecosia, April 2019, Why is Palm Oil Bad For The Environment? (Online), Available from: https://blog.ecosia.org/why-palm-oil-bad-environment-indonesia-sumatra-orangutan-habitats-ecosia/ [Accessed on 11/1/21]
Smithsonian Magazine, March 2016, Giving Up Palm Oil Might Actually Be Bad For The Environment, by Joe Fassler, (Online), Available from: https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/giving-up-palm-oil-might-actually-be-bad-environment-180958092/ [Accessed on 11/1/21]
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