
The mating season, known as the rut, usually begins in October and lasts about a month, although mating can take place at any time from September to February. At this time the bucks are very active and each one tries to herd together a group of does into his territory. Each buck marks his territory by scraping the soil with his hooves and antlers, urinating and rubbing his head against saplings, fraying the bark. He also thrashes his antlers against branches and bushes, and struts up and down, bellowing loudly. The intention of all this performance is to attract and mate with as many females as possible within his territory. Rival bucks fight fiercely, charging and clashing their antlers until one gives up injured or defeated and the other takes over the harem.
After a gestation (time between mating and birth) of 230 - 240 days, a single fawn (rarely twins) is born in long grass or bracken. The spotted fawn remains hidden for the first week or two of its life until it is strong enough to run with the herd. Groups of fawns may sometimes be seen playing together, gambolling and chasing each other. They spend much of the day trotting after their mothers and grazing, but are suckled several times a day. Many does suckle their fawns into the new year.
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