The summit did not result in the historic deal which millions of people had hoped for, but there were some signs of progress which should not be overlooked.
It “recognised” the scientific case for keeping global temperature rises below the 2 degree centigrade danger threshold (although not the 1.5 degree centigrade which many developing nations thought necessary to protect their land and people). However, the accord did not set any emission targets to achieve this limit so countries did not have to commit to anything in particular. The deal was “non-binding” so countries only sign up to it on a voluntary basis. The goal of cutting emissions by 80% by 2050 was also dropped. It is up to individual governments to set their own targets of what they are prepared to do.
The legally binding Kyoto protocol is currently preserved.
The accord aims to provide funds to help developing nations adapt to climate change - $30 billion/year until 2012 and $100 billion by 2020. A meeting was held in Berllin on 17-19 May 2015 with the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework-Convention on Climate Change as well as 35 ministers and their representatives and high level representatives of the UN Secretary General to in part discuss how the 100 billion USD could be raised to help developing countries combat climate change.
They also agreed to provide finance to help prevent deforestation, which accounts for about 17% of carbon emissions. The UN-REDD programme was set up in 2008 as the United Nations collaborative
initiative on Reducing Emmissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation in developing countries. Funding is provided by donor countries Denmark, the European Union, Japan, Luxembourg, Norway, and Spain. New donor countries are being sought, as countries receiving support are increasing all the time.