Bird garden: If you have a garden, why not turn it into a bird garden? With your parents’ permission, you could put out food for the birds and leave water for them in an upturned dustbin lid or plastic bowl. If you are feeling more adventurous you could make a bird table or bird box. For those without a garden, don’t forget that many birds in wasteground areas or parks also welcome the food you put out for them.
Grow your own tree: You can do this quite easily by planting acorns, sycamore seeds or even apple or orange pips in a pot, watering regularly and waiting. You may need a fair bit of patience for this activity! Once your seedling starts to grow you can plant it in your garden. If you visit your old home in twenty years time, you might notice a huge tree where you planted your seedling.

Take photos: You may have a camera at home, and if you are interested in photography, why not try taking photographs of the wildlife around your home. As it is sometimes difficult to photograph wild plants and animals, don’t forget that pictures of woodland, meadowland or other scenery also count as part of our Natural History. It can be very effective to try and photograph the contrast between Nature and human's progress. Pictures like this can give off a strong conservation message to your friends.
Recycle project: Sadly, we live in a world of waste and litter. However, many people and organisations are thinking up new ways to reuse the things we would normally just dispose of. This process is called recycling. Can you think of any ways in which we could recycle everyday items that get thrown out? Make a rocket from bottles and tubes or a great pictures from magazines. Why not try out one or two of your ideas for making things out of household waste?
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