Philip lives on the outskirts of Manchester. The Pennines, the Peak District and North Wales are all nearby, which means he sees a wide range of plants, trees and birds and has become interested in nature, especially insects. He is studying science A Levels and how different organisms live and thrive fascinates him. He believes that you can’t observe nature without becoming aware of environmental threats and that is why he found the Young People’s Trust for the Environment. Philip wants to do his (very small) part in protecting the countryside.
The River Bollin flows very near his house. It has rope swings and paddling places and all ages love it. It is also an important local habitat for wildlife and Philip wants to study how the river is affected by discharges from the local water company and farms and go on to explore whether there is anything that can be done to safeguard oxygen in the water.
For the YPTE, Philip wants to investigate links with other environmental groups and together try to spread the message to young people not yet involved. Being in nature is fun and he hopes promoting that message will attract more to the cause of stopping climate change.

Philip Morris
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